as we continue to respond to the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic. We have been receiving many questions related to Governor Cuomo’s PAUSE Act. ***The Governor’s PAUSE Act, which shut down non-essential businesses effective March 22 at 8 PM, does not apply to CDPA. Fiscal Intermediaries and Personal Assistants are essential healthcare workers.***
Some of you have asked about our operations here at CDChoices during the COVID 19 pandemic. Fiscal Intermediaries are essential workers, but we are doing our best to comply with the intent of Governor Cuomo’s directive to have staff working from home. As of this morning (Wednesday, March 25), we are at about 73% of staff working from home. Starting later today, we will be up to 80%. It is now more critical than ever that you ensure your PAs get paid on time by submitting your time sheets as soon as possible after the week ends on Friday.
Please know that we are keeping our eyes on issues and impacts. We are doing our best to solve any problems as quickly as possible. Our primary responsibility is ensuring you – our Consumers – can use the CDPA services you are authorized to receive, and your PAs get paid correctly and timely. We will do everything in our power to ensure our efforts to socially isolate and have people work from home do not interfere with this primary responsibility.