Home and community-based services, like Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) have been the topic of many conversations lately. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan includes a proposed $400 billion in additional federal funding for these services. Comedian John Oliver even mentioned community care recently during this episode of his television show.
Earlier this week, Forbes,com published the article The Liberating Potential Of Consumer Directed Services For Disabled People. CDChoices’ very own Outreach and Communication Specialist, Denise DiNoto, was interviewed about her experiences with CDPA.
In the article, Denise provides insight on how CDPA empowers her independence. “Denise says, “I would never be able to have the life I live with traditional care,” and credits the consumer-directed model’s flexibility. Among other advantages, it is especially responsive to her career and lifestyle.”
You can click here to read the full article.