
Why Many New Yorkers Prefer Personal Care vs Assisted Living

personal care vs assisted living

When considering which type of care is best for your lifestyle and abilities, there are many different options. In New York State, two of the most popular options are employing a personal care assistant and assisted living services.

However, when it comes to employing personal care assistants v. assisted living, many New Yorkers prefer the personal care model. Today, we will compare these two types of care to help you determine which one might best suit your needs. First, let’s review some general information about both.

What is a Personal Care Assistant?

In New York State, a Consumer Directed Personal Care Assistant (CDPA, or “personal assistant,” for short) is someone hired by an individual person to assist them with their personal care, home health services, and nursing tasks. The program is paid for by Medicaid on the consumer’s behalf.

What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is a type of housing designed for older adults who need assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating meals. Assisted living typically also includes access to nursing care, help with medication management, and other support services. Residents typically live in their own apartment or suite, and they are able to come and go as they please.

Why Many New Yorkers Prefer Personal Care Assistants Over Assisted Living

No Age Limit

While assisted living is primarily intended for seniors, there is no age restriction on hiring a personal care assistant. The consumer pays their caregivers through Medicaid, not Medicare – which is reserved for adults over the age of 65 or older.

Less Reliance on Family Members

By hiring a personal assistant, a consumer can continue to receive care without relying on other household members. This grants the consumer more freedom in their own lives and their family members who might work during the day or have other obligations that require them to be out of the home for extended periods of time.

Ability to Select Their Caregiver

Through the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) New Yorkers that receive Medicaid assistance are able to recruit, hire, and train their own personal care assistants. This allows the consumer to exercise more judgment, discernment, and decision-making ability over who provides services to them on a regular basis. In assisted living environments, the individual receives care from the organization’s staff which is assigned regardless of the consumer’s preferences.

However, there is one important note when it comes to selecting personal care assistants in New York State. State law forbids spouses or other legally responsible parties from working as personal assistants. Parents of children under 21 are not eligible to receive payment for their caregiving services, and depending on individual circumstances, other members of the household may also be excluded from eligibility.

Greater Control Over Training

CDPAP also allows consumers to train their own personal care assistants. This ensures that the assistant has been properly briefed on the consumer’s preferences and specific ways of administering any medical treatments or completing specific daily tasks.

Ability to Terminate Care Assistance

If needed, a consumer who employs a care assistant through CDPAP can terminate the employment relationship. If the individual believes their assistant has not fulfilled their duties to a satisfactory level, they can initiate a termination and begin searching for a new candidate.

No Limits on the Number of Personal Assistants

There is no limit to the number of personal assistants that a consumer can employ, as long as they are not scheduled at the same shift times. This can prove especially useful for individuals who require care at all hours of the day or at specific hours.

Ability to Provide Benefits to Personal Assistants

Through a Medicaid-supported CDPAP program, the consumer can also offer competitive pay and additional benefits to their assistant beyond financial compensation, such as:

● Paid time off from work

● Health and dental insurance

● Higher holiday pay rates

● Life insurance policies

● Annual health evaluations

Start Your Own New York CDPAP Program with a Fiscal Intermediary’s Assistance

At CDChoices, we provide New Yorkers in the Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, North Country, and the Mid-Hudson Region with fiscal intermediary assistance to CDPAP consumers. We remain committed to empowering people with disabilities and seniors with the ability to independently pursue their preferred method of care while assisting with all financial and human resources operations of your care program.

To learn more about receiving fiscal intermediary assistance, contact us today to speak with someone from our team. 

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