personal assistant for the elderly

Personal Assistance (CDPA) in Buffalo, NY

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) in Buffalo, NY

At CDChoices, we partner with consumers throughout New York State to provide comprehensive fiscal intermediary services, empowering individuals with disabilities to take control of their own care. Our team is dedicated to facilitating the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), ensuring that participants have the flexibility and support they need to manage their personal assistants. We’re particularly proud of our history serving the residents of Buffalo, NY, where our commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction has made a significant impact on countless lives.

In Buffalo, we have built robust relationships within the community by working closely with local healthcare providers, advocacy groups, and families to tailor our services to the unique needs of each individual. Our presence in the city has given us the opportunity to observe the profound impact of self-directed care, leading to improved quality of life and greater independence for our consumers. The diversity and vibrancy of Buffalo’s community have motivated us to refine and enhance our services, ensuring we provide the best possible support to those who depend on us.

Can Someone from Another County Work as My Personal Assistant?

Yes, you can hire someone as a personal assistant from a distant or neighboring county as long as they meet all requirements to be employed within the CDPAP program in the State of New York.

I Want to Hire Someone Nearby Who Lives Out of State. Can I Do This?

Though it is recommended to employ a personal assistant within New York State, you can hire someone from another nearby state. However, both you as the administrator and the personal assistant as the employee will have to account for both states’ taxes and all other relevant regulations pertaining to cross-state employment.

As a Statewide Program, Are There Any Differences Between Counties in Relation to CDPAP?

Qualified residents of all New York counties are eligible for CDPAP services and our fiscal intermediary assistance.

Fiscal intermediary services through CDChoices for Expanded In-Home Service for the Elderly Program (EISEP) participants are available in the following counties:

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(518) 464 0810

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